
华峰博客 169


Unit 1How can I get there?


01science/ˈsaɪəns/ 科学 The science museum is near the school.

02museum/mju(ː)ˈzɪəm/ 博物馆 Where is the science museum?

03post office/pəʊst/ /ˈɒfɪs/ 邮局 I will go to the post office to send a letter.

04bookstore/ˈbʊkstɔː/ 书店 I want to buy an English book in a bookstore.

05cinema/ˈsɪnəmə/ 电影院 I will go to the cinema tomorrow.

06hospital/ˈhɒspɪtl/ 医院 He was born in this hospital.

07crossing/ˈkrɒsɪŋ/ 十字路口 You should be careful at the crossing.

08turn/tɜːn/ 转弯 You should turn right at the park.

09left/left/ 左;左边 You should turn left at the crossing.

10straight/streɪt/ 笔直地 Turn right. Then go straight.

11right/raɪt/ 右;右边 Turn right here.

12ask/ɑːsk/ 问 Can I ask you some questions?

13sir/sɜː/ 先生 Can I help you, sir?

14interesting/ˈɪntrɪstɪŋ/ 有趣的 This book is very interesting.

15Italian/ɪˈtæliən/ 意大利的 My cousin is an Italian girl.

16restaurant/ˈrestrɒnt/ 餐馆 This is a new restaurant.

17pizza/ˈpiːtsə/ 比萨饼 I like pizza.

18street/striːt/ 大街;街道 The cinema is on Dongfang Street.

19get/get/ 到达 How can I get there?

20GPS/ʤiː-piː-es/ 全球(卫星)定位系统 The GPS is new.

21gave/geɪv/ 提供;交给 I gave my sister a pen this morning.

22feature/ˈfiːʧə/ 特点 The dog has a new feature.

23follow/ˈfɒləʊ/ 跟着 Follow your mother, please.

24far/fɑː/ 远的,遥远的 My home is far from the zoo.

25tell/tel/ 告诉,讲述 Let me tell you my name.

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Unit 2Ways to go to school


01on foot/ɒn/ /fʊt/ 步行 I go to school on foot.

02by/baɪ/ 乘 I go to school by bus.

03bus/bʌs/ 公共汽车 They go to the park by bus.

04plane/pleɪn/ 飞机 We will go the USA by plane.

05taxi/ˈtæksi/ 出租汽车 You can go there by taxi.

06ship/ʃɪp/ (大)船 Let’s go to Shanghai by ship.

07subway/ˈsʌbweɪ/ 地铁 You can go to the library by subway.

08train/treɪn/ 火车 He goes to Kunming by train.

09slow/sləʊ/ 慢的 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.

10down/daʊn/ 减少;降低 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.

11slow down/sləʊ/ /daʊn/ 慢下来 The taxi driver slows down at the yellow light.

12stop/stɒp/ 停下来 The car stops and waits at the red light.

13Mrs夫人 Good morning, Mrs Smith!

14early/ˈɜːli/ 早到的 You are early.

15helmet/ˈhelmɪt/ 头盔 I have a new helmet.

16must/mʌst/ 必须 In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.

17wear/weə/ 穿着,佩戴 My sister wears a hat.

18attention/əˈtenʃ(ə)n/ 注意,注意力 Let me have your attention!

19pay attention to/peɪ/ /əˈtenʃ(ə)n/ /tʊ/ 注意 I must pay attention to the traffic lights.

20traffic/ˈtræfɪk/ 交通 Traffic is busy now.

21traffic lights/ˈtræfɪk/ /laɪts/ 交通信号灯 I must pay attention to the traffic lights.

22Munich/ˈmjuːnɪk/ 慕尼黑

23Germany/ˈʤɜːməni/ 德国 My uncle and aunt live in Germany.

24Alaska/əˈlæskə/ 阿拉斯加州

25sled/sled/ 雪橇 Tina’s sled is new.

26fast/fɑːst/ 快的;迅速的 The subway is very fast.

27ferry/ˈferi/ 轮渡 There is a big ferry over there.

28Papa Westray/pəˈpɑː/ Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛

29Scotland/ˈskɒtlənd/ 苏格兰

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Unit 3My weekend plan


01visit/ˈvɪzɪt/ 拜访 I often visit my grandparents on weekends.

02film/fɪlm/ 电影 Let’s see a film this afternoon.

03see a film/siː/ /ə/ /fɪlm/ 看电影 Let’s see a film this afternoon.

04trip/trɪp/ 旅行 We want to take a trip on summer holiday.

05take a trip/teɪk/ /ə/ /trɪp/ 去旅行 We want to take a trip on summer holiday.

06supermarket/ˈsjuːpəˌmɑːkɪt/ 超市 My mother often goes to the supermarket on Sunday.

07evening/ˈiːvnɪŋ/ 晚上;傍晚 I often read storybooks in the evening.

08tonight/təˈnaɪt/ 今夜;今晚 There will be a basketball match tonight.

09tomorrow/təˈmɒrəʊ/ 明天 My father will go fishing tomorrow.

10next week/nekst/ /wiːk/ 下周 They will go on a picnic next week.

11dictionary/ˈdɪkʃ(ə)n(ə)ri/ 词典 I bought a new dictionary.

12comic/ˈkɒmɪk/ 滑稽的;喜剧的 My brother is reading a comic book.

13comic book/ˈkɒmɪk/ /bʊk/ (儿童的)连环画册 My brother is reading a comic book.

14word/wɜːd/ 单词 This word book is very helpful.

15word book/wɜːd/ /bʊk/ 单词书 This word book is very helpful.

16postcard/ˈpəʊstkɑːd/ 明信片 I will send him a postcard.

17lesson/ˈlesn/ 课 We are going to have an English lesson.

18space/speɪs/ 太空 This is a book about space.

19travel/ˈtrævl/ 旅行 I like travel.

20half/hɑːf/ 一半 I do my homework for half an hour every day.

21price/praɪs/ 价格 The price of the bag is high.

22Mid-Autumn Festival/mɪd/-/ˈɔːtəm/ /ˈfestəvəl/ 中秋节 Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.

23together/təˈgeðə/ 一起 Let’s go to school together.

24get together/get/ /təˈgeðə/ 聚会 My family is going to get together and have a big dinner.

25mooncake月饼 Would you like a mooncake?

26poem/ˈpəʊɪm/ 诗 I like this poem.

27moon/muːn/ 月亮;月球 The moon is so bright tonight.

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Unit 4I have a pen pal


01studies/ˈstʌdiz/ 学习 He studies Chinese very carefully.

02puzzle/ˈpʌzl/ 谜;智力游戏 My mother often does word puzzles with me on the weekend.

03hiking/ˈhaɪkɪŋ/ 远足 She goes hiking with her friends.

04pen pal/pen/ /pæl/ 笔友 I have a new pen pal.

05hobby/ˈhɒbi/ 业余爱好 My hobby is playing football.

06jasmine/ˈʤæsmɪn/ 茉莉 I like jasmine.

07idea/aɪˈdɪə/ 想法;主意 This is a good idea.

08Canberra/ˈkænb(ə)rə/ 堪培拉 My pen pal lives in Canberra.

09amazing/əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ 令人惊奇的 How amazing!

10shall/ʃæl/ 表示征求意见 Shall we dance?

11goal/gəʊl/ 射门 Rabbit scores ten goals.

12join/ʤɔɪn/ 加入 I want to join you.

13club/klʌb/ 俱乐部;社团 Please join our club.

14share/ʃeə/ 分享;共用 Let’s share the delicious food.

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Unit 5What does he do?


01factory/ˈfæktəri/ 工厂 My aunt works in the factory.

02worker/ˈwɜːkə/ 工人 The worker works hard every day.

03postman/ˈpəʊstmən/ 邮递员 The postman is very busy every day.

04businessman/ˈbɪznɪsmən/ 商人 His uncle is a businessman.

05police officer/pəˈliːs/ /ˈɒfɪsə/ 警察 There is a police officer on the street.

06fisherman/ˈfɪʃəmən/ 渔民 The fisherman swims very well.

07scientist/ˈsaɪəntɪst/ 科学家 The scientist knows much about the sun.

08pilot/ˈpaɪlət/ 飞行员 Miss Brown is a pilot.

09coach/kəʊʧ/ 教练 The coach is very strict with us.

10country/ˈkʌntri/ 国家 Which country do you live in?

11head teacher/hed/ /ˈtiːʧə/ 校长 Ann’s mother is our head teacher.

12sea/siː/ 大海 I like swimming in the sea.

13stay/steɪ/ 保持 I want to stay healthy.

14university/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsɪti/ 大学 He is a university student.

15gym/ʤɪm/ 体育馆,健身房 The gym is very big.

16if/ɪf/ 如果 If you like sports, you can be a coach.

17reporter/rɪˈpɔːtə/ 记者 Uncle Li is a reporter.

18use/juːz/ 使用 May I use your pen?

19type/taɪp/ 打字 Can you type?

20quickly/ˈkwɪkli/ 迅速地 Jim can run quickly.

21secretary/ˈsekrətri/ 秘书 Amy’s cousin is a secretary.

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Unit 6How do you feel?


01angry/ˈæŋgri/ 生气的 Don’t get angry with the little boy.

02afraid/əˈfreɪd/ 害怕 The monkey is afraid of the dinosaur.

03sad/sæd/ 难过的 The boy is very sad.

04worried/ˈwʌrid/ 担心的;发愁的 Don’t be worried about the monkey.

05happy/ˈhæpi/ 高兴的;快乐的 The bear looks very happy.

06see a doctor/siː/ /ə/ /ˈdɒktə/ 看病 He will see a doctor tomorrow.

07wear/weə/ 穿;戴 I always wear warm clothes on cold days.

08more/mɔː/ 更多的 You should do more exercise.

09deep/diːp/ 深的 Please take a deep breath.

10breath/breθ/ 呼吸 Please take a deep breath.

11take a deep breath/teɪk/ /ə/ /diːp/ /breθ/ 深深吸一口气 If you are angry, you can take a deep breath.

12count/kaʊnt/ 数数 My little sister can count to ten.

13count to ten/kaʊnt/ /tə/ /ten/ 数到十 My little sister can count to ten.

14chase/ʧeɪs/ 追赶 The cat is chasing a mouse.

15mice/maɪs/ 老鼠 There are two mice over there.

16bad/bæd/ 邪恶的;坏的 Is the dog bad?

17hurt/hɜːt/ (使)受伤 Please don’t hurt the little cat.

18ill/ɪl/ 有病;不舒服 My grandpa is ill.

19wrong/rɒŋ/ 有毛病;不好的 I have something wrong with my legs.

20should/ʃʊd/ 应当 He should see a doctor this morning.

21feel/fiːl/ 感觉;觉得 How do you feel?

22well/wel/ 健康;身体好 You look well.

23sit/sɪt/ 坐 Sit on this sofa, please.

24grass/grɑːs/ 草坪 There is a dog on the grass.

25hear/hɪə/ 听见 What can you hear?

26ant/ænt/ 蚂蚁 This is a little ant.

27worry/ˈwʌri/ 担心;担忧 Don’t worry about me.

28stuck/stʌk/ 陷住;无法移动 The car is stuck.

29mud/mʌd/ 泥 There is a dog in the mud.

30pull/pʊl/ 拉;拽 Pull the door, please.

31everyone/ˈevrɪwʌn/ 每人;人人 Everyone is here.

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